The Benefits of Music and Movement in Childcare Centres
Whether it’s stamping feet, clapping hands or banging on a drum, music and movement encourage children to use their imagination. It also helps them build coordination and fine motor skills. Developing self-expression is another benefit of these activities. It is often used to soothe children and help them regulate their emotions – especially when they are tired, frustrated or excited. Children who develop a high emotional intelligence (EQ) are more successful, happier and form better relationships in later life.
What is the importance of learning centers?
Educators can incorporate music and movement into their curriculum to support specific learning goals. For example, during the Amphibians Learning Unit, music and movement accompanies the songs of ‘Five little speckled frogs’ and ‘Sammy the snake’, helping children understand the names of different amphibians. Music and movement can also be used to develop phonological awareness, letter recognition, sounds and other early literacy skills. Link :
Many musical activities involve group learning, which helps children develop their social skills. It allows them to practice turn-taking, follow rules and share resources. Children can also improve their communication and language skills when they sing songs or chant rhymes together, as well as learn about cultures through sharing cultural music.
Most parents have a natural instinct to use music to calm and soothe their children, express love and joy and to engage with them. Research shows that musical experiences in childhood accelerate brain and language development, speech perception and reading skills. Children who experience this form of learning are more imaginative, creative and curious as well as being happier, healthier and better able to concentrate in school.